Gone are the days of keyword stuffing and tricking the search engines.
Search Engine Optimization
Search Engine Optimization is one of the fundamental building blocks to having a successful digital presence. Our experienced team helps companies grow their traffic from the search engines by increasing rankings and the number of keywords for which the website appears. Every month we provide a report detailing where traffic is coming from, how many sales/leads were generated, and what elements can be improved.
We offer high quality search engine optimization strategies at an affordable price to allow companies to focus on their business and leave the technical SEO items up to us.

What is SEO?
SEO is Search Engine Optimization which is the practice of updating your website and content to ensure the search engines can read and understand your site. The main goal of an SEO campaign is to get your website to show up on the search engines when a user is searching for phrases related to your business. SEO is not magic and cannot be turned on and off.
How quickly will I see results?
We get this question all the time! If a company ever promises or guarantees results from an SEO campaign – please do not do business with them. Moxie Digital only uses search engine best practices to increase rankings and traffic. We have had a lot of success with our strategies and we still cannot answer this question with 100% certainty. Sometimes a site can rank really quickly for particular keywords and for others it will take a lot more time. However, we will help guide you based on our research as to what keywords you should optimize your site for so you can see results.
I tried SEO before and it didn't work.
Many companies say they do “SEO” but in reality they just ensure you have tags on your site and will never optimize copy or dig into an internal linking strategy. It is important to know who you are working with, what their experience is, and what they will be doing. SEO involves a lot of time, effort, and work but can be really beneficial in the long run. Contact us if you have hesitations or want to talk more about why an SEO campaign failed for you.
Is SEO still important?
SEO is Search Engine Optimization which is the practice of updating your website and content to ensure the search engines can read and understand your site. The main goal of an SEO campaign is to get your website to show up on the search engines when a user is searching for phrases related to your business. SEO is not magic and cannot be turned on and off.
Yes! It is harder than ever to get your company found online while more and more people are using their phones/computers to search for everything. We like to tell our clients that their website is the core of their digital marketing presense and if it looks nice/clean for users, why not have it nice and clean for the search engines as well? Even if you don’t want a full SEO campaign to rank for a bunch of terms, a basic SEO review of your website is important to ensure you are atleast found online for your company name.
View our recent blog posts about SEO
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